Saturday, July 25, 2009

How much do you know?

I am continually astonished at the proportion of cultural knowledge we LACK compared to the amount we KNOW, even after more than 6 years in a village. It sure makes me compassionate on those who move to American cities as adults, and have a hard time learning the language, let alone the culture. I think the language is easy compared to the culture! For example, I happened to ask Linda if there is ever a time when women blow conch shells. She said, "Oh, yeah, when they burn nases leaves." I said, "When is that." She said, "You know, when they burn the monapitang leaves that are bad." "When's that?" "Like, when there's a hot thing, and then a cold thing, and then the circumcision ritual is finished." "Huh?" "Well, they burn nases leaves, and whip the moms of the circumcised boys, and blow conch shells, and stamp out the fire. Then the circumcision ritual is done."

It's like, if I didn't know any of that, how much else do I not know?

Picture is of Linda Naug digging a taro hole with a "tap" digging stick.


The men were smoking bees out of a banyan so they could get the honey. Abby, of course, wanted to eat the honey from the comb. But I saw it wasn't honey, it was bee larvae! "I want to eat them!" "No, Abby, I won't let you eat the bee larva." A kid in the village said, "If you eat the worm, it's good."

That's where I draw the line

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Video- God Bless America in Bislama

Glad to have our internet back after a few days. Jacob, had an idea of translating "God Bless America" into Bislama. Here's my shot at it:
Click here for the video.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

hike on yasur

That's Caleb and Hannah up there. We discovered that you really need shoes and socks to hike this. There are long slivers of silicon (well, glass, really) all over the leeward side of the ridge.

Kite flying on Mt Yasur ashplane

Good day for kites.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


"Kenny, did you go off-roading?"
"No, honestly. I only went to town."
"Kenny, go out there and look at your truck and then look me in the face and tell me you didn't go off-roading!"
"Seriously, I only went to town!