Sunday, August 2, 2009

Church in Lenakel

We went to church on the other side of the island, Loanpakel, today. That was so I could do dissertation interview #23, the second-to-last. This church doesn't have a person trained to preach, so they skip the sermon! Better than heresy, I suppose! Makes the church service shorter, too. After the service and the interview, they gave us a feast of yam, rice, beef, pineapple, grapefruit. Then we went to Tanna Lodge and swam in the pool and ocean. Caleb lost his bottom retainer in the waves, which devistated him. But he takes such good care of his retainers, we let reasurred him it wasn't the end of the world.

After swimming, we found a store open on Sunday, which was nice. I asked the shop-keeper if he was an SDA. He said no. "So, how can you work on Sunday then?" He said, "Mi go harem toktok blong heven, ale, mi kambak mo swet." Which I took to mean, "I went and took care of the heaven thing in church, and now I have to come back and work for a living."

Tomorrow, Abby and I are going to the Southern Island's Presbyterian Bible College so I can teach for a few days.

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